NVMP-StEP E-waste Summer School 2009 – Call for Applications!
Deadline for applications is 31 May 2009.


The United Nations University, as secretariat of the Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative, will be holding a summer school on e-waste management in the Netherlands in September.
The NVMP-StEP E-waste Summer School takes place in Eindhoven, Netherlands, from 7 – 12 September 2009, and includes a mix of student presentations, expert lectures, field visits and a study tour.
The NVMP-StEP E-waste Summer School is the first of its kind to focus solely on e-waste in an interdisciplinary context. It addresses PostDocs, doctoral students and final year master students doing research on e-waste and related areas to come together and share knowledge, interact with experts, and gain a holistic view on e-waste.

Download call for paper

For more information and application forms please see the official site of the NVMP-StEP E-waste Summer School.
